In 2011, the LGA with the highest Census Night ratio was Snowy River in New South Wales, which had a Census Night ratio of 253. That is, for every 100 usual residents, there were 253 people in the LGA on Census Night. Snowy River contains Mount Kosciuszko, Perisher and Thredbo ski fields and is a popular destination for winter tourism (Tourist Accommodation, Australia, Mar 2013, (cat. no. 8635.0.55.002)). The people in Snowy River on Census Night were likely to include tourists and people doing seasonal work in the resorts. However, people were not asked why they were away from home, so further research would be required to confirm this.
The map below shows a noticeable pattern in Census Night ratios across Australia in 2011. The 46 LGAs with the highest Census Night ratios (i.e., greater than 110) were – with the exception of Snowy River – mostly located in the north of Australia. The LGAs of Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney also had high Census Night ratios.
HIGH CENSUS NIGHT RATIOS(a), by LGA, Australia, 2011
(a) The Census Night ratio is the ratio of the Census Night population to usual resident population, multiplied by 100.